Voting, the Internet, and YOU

images (2)We are quickly coming upon midterm elections here in the United States.  I want to stress that it is absolutely imperative that everyone goes out to vote.  You will find that these midterm elections sometimes have more impact on your life than presidential elections.  It is your governor who decides what federal funding your state will accept.  It is your governor, along with your local mayor, who decides what state programs will be funded, how tax revenue will be spent locally, and the income of state employees.  Our congressmen and senators make decisions that affect our economy, our war efforts, health care, and gun safety.  Voting is critical for those with state and federal jobs, for our crumbling public education system, and we can now add for the Internet. Continue reading Voting, the Internet, and YOU

The Flash: Episode 1 First reactions… SPOILER ALERT

Let me begin by saying that I am not a comic book expert.  My knowledge and introduction into the wonderful world of comics came from my very magnificent, amazing husband. He is very use to my 100 questions about characters as I watch movies and animated shows with him. He also is kind enough to trust me with  reading a few of his comic books. With that being said I may have very different thoughts about the show than a comic book purist.


This week CW premiered The Flash. The Flash Pilot is awesome.  I am very sorry, while I liked Gotham’s pilot, the flash’s pilot literally ran circles around it! Continue reading The Flash: Episode 1 First reactions… SPOILER ALERT

Did anyone watch Gotham? Episode 1 First Reaction

This season on Fox Gotham premiered.  So far, I absolutely love this show.  Please  know that i am not a comic book purist so those of you that are may not agree with my thoughts. In my opinion the cast and setting is absolutely fabulous.  If you have ever wondered why Batman is so borderline psycho, just have a good look at the city in which he was raised! Continue reading Did anyone watch Gotham? Episode 1 First Reaction

Let’s Play Archeage, if you can manage to get logged in.

For the past few weeks I have decided to try ArcheAge!




If you love crafting and focusing on trade skills ArcheAge may be the game for you. I love playing mmorpgs. In most games I tend to hate that you spend so much time building trade skills only for those skills to be ignored. Archeage stands out when it comes to trading. The game has a very intricate trade system that I haven’t really figured out yet but it is enough to hold my attention.  Crafted items are very good.  That gear could be better than any drops that you would get questing.  The only problem is that crafting can become very tedious at later levels and items crafted at later levels are random.

Continue reading Let’s Play Archeage, if you can manage to get logged in.

Sigh, Your Second Life Inventory is Worth more than your Real Life Net Worth!


Arrogant people that have absolutely no reason to be arrogant have to be some of the most annoying people that I have ever met online.  I never could understand how anyone would log into something that is supposed to be fun for the pure purpose of looking down on others.  These people tend to be forum trolls and Facebook worms.

Continue reading Sigh, Your Second Life Inventory is Worth more than your Real Life Net Worth!