Category Archives: Gaming

Oh-Pretty Pixels! Transmogrification in WOW 7.0

Current Changes:

  • Transmog items are account wide
  • New Appearance tab under collections
  • Can hide shoulders
  • Can mark and save favorite items and outfits

My Favorite Transmog Set For a Fire Mage


Helm of Arcane Purity

Mantle of Closed Doors

Robes of the Battleguard

Felcast Cord

Staff of Immaculate Recovery

Mountainsage Handwraps

Bracers of the Tempest

Ancestral Woollies


The Sims 4 Dine Out – Restaurants

Tips For Running a Restaurant:

  1. Always Praise your employees as soon as the restaurant opens, starting with the hostess.
  2. Train your employees whenever you can.
  3. You do not need more than 16 seats in a restaurant.
  4. Do not add to many extra items to the restaurant.  Sometimes if you add music your waiters will stop working and start dancing!
  5. Be mindful of the amount of hours that you have your employees working.
  6. Always make the food critic your number one priority. Make sure that you prioritize their food. I never give them free food!
  7. Pick up the Perk Patient Patrons as soon as it becomes available.  After Patient Patrons pick up  the Ingredient Discount Perk, this is when you will start seeing profits.

Like about the game pack:

  1. Expands  how events can be played out.
  2. Pretty nice  CAS and build mode additions…
  3. Owning a restaurant can be fun at times.

Dislikes about the game pack:

  1. Owners can not be the Chef or the Hostess.
  2. Weird new food.
  3. Your sim will always have to pay  the bill, even if they are invited out by another sim.
  4. If your sim is a Gardner, they should be able to use their own ingredients.

DOOM is back!

Doom is a sci-fi horror First Person Shooter. You will play as the doomguy, a space marine, slaying demons to survive.

Developer: id Software
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

DOOM® can be purchased for the PC:Steam

There are both console and PC versions of the game.


Batman: Arkham Knight: Not SO Bad

When Starting out I had a very hard time getting used to the controls. Once I was able to control Batman, more particularly the Batmobile, I found this game very enjoyable.

The graphics are good.

The combat system is excellent.

The story is entertaining.


There have been some problems reported with the PC version of this game. The problems include frame rate and bad audio on the PC version of this game Buying a season pass to get additional content for this game on release day seems to have been a complete waste of money!

Social Gaming Etiquette 101: Your Health Matters/ My Rant

It is really easy to get sucked into doing things in SL and other games. Sometimes I did so  ignoring how I was feeling. Yes, stupid I know. At the end of the day you learn  that it isn’t worth it. If you are not having fun, you shouldn’t be doing something.  Save your time and talent for people who actually love and care about you. Just because you are nice does not mean that your kindness will be returned.