Category Archives: Entertainment

Luke Cage: Do What you Can Do Kid

Luke Cage is Marvel’s third superhero Netflix series.  The cinematography is great, the music is awesome, and the actors are excellent for the most part. The show is very well written. There are many historical references,  many pop culture reference, and the overall story line fits  comfortably into the universe with  Marvel’s “Jessica Jones” and  “Daredevil’. The  show follows  the reluctant hero Luke Cage as he goes from prison inmate to a hero for hire.


Great Story Line

Great Musical guest


I wish that there had been more Cottonmouth and Diamondback scenes.

I wouldn’t mind more child hood scenes.


The Flash: Episode 1 First reactions… SPOILER ALERT

Let me begin by saying that I am not a comic book expert.  My knowledge and introduction into the wonderful world of comics came from my very magnificent, amazing husband. He is very use to my 100 questions about characters as I watch movies and animated shows with him. He also is kind enough to trust me with  reading a few of his comic books. With that being said I may have very different thoughts about the show than a comic book purist.


This week CW premiered The Flash. The Flash Pilot is awesome.  I am very sorry, while I liked Gotham’s pilot, the flash’s pilot literally ran circles around it! Continue reading The Flash: Episode 1 First reactions… SPOILER ALERT

Did anyone watch Gotham? Episode 1 First Reaction

This season on Fox Gotham premiered.  So far, I absolutely love this show.  Please  know that i am not a comic book purist so those of you that are may not agree with my thoughts. In my opinion the cast and setting is absolutely fabulous.  If you have ever wondered why Batman is so borderline psycho, just have a good look at the city in which he was raised! Continue reading Did anyone watch Gotham? Episode 1 First Reaction